Application for Membership
The Marco Sportfishing Club (MSC) is a local volunteer-led organization of approximately 700 member/anglers from all experience levels. It is the largest club of its kind in SW Florida. Meetings are held once/month at a location on Marco Island. Members enjoy the easy-going nature of the club to make friends, share fishing knowledge, participate in tournament fishing competitions sponsored by the club, and enjoy social events such as picnics and holiday parties. MSC also partners with the community in advocacy issues to protect our environment, water quality, and to pass on the joys of fishing to children.
Membership benefits extend to the spouse, significant other and the dependent children of the member. Only one family member can vote per membership.
You are eligible to join the club if you reside (own or rent, full or part-time) or store your boat at a marina in one of the following communities:
Marco Island
Isle of Capri
Port of the Islands
The $65 Application fee covers the $40 annual dues payment and a one-time set up fee of $25 that provides Nametags, etc.
If you would like a second family member to receive the Club's Email communications provide a secondary Email address in the application form.
To apply online Enter your email address below and click the next button. Complete the form and pay by credit card.
or download the application and mail it in.
Click for paper application
Marco Sportfishing Club Liability Waiver
Everyone who participates in, or attends, any Club sponsored event must have previously signed a liability Waiver. This protects the Club officers, Club members, and any employees or agents from liability associated with club activities. The Club policy applies to all Members in good standing, their family members and dependents.