Elected by the membership at the January annual meeting.
(These people are the Voting Members at the BOD meetings)  

 MSC Officers, elected by the Board of Directors after the annual meeting per the Club Bylaws

Keith Wohltmam

Vice President (1)
Tom Obermeier

Vice President (2)
Jim Scarpa

Chris Hutchings

John Baker

Chair Positions & Event Coordinators

Membership Chair

James Gloster

Newsletter & Social Media Chair
John Ryckman

Fishing Committee Chair
Mark Milici

Leader Board &
Fish of the Month Coordinator
George Wittmann

Backwater Events Coordinator
Charlie Schwalje

Backwater Events Coordinator
Redfish 2 Man Event
Ron Linn

Event Leaders & Member Support Roles

New Member Liaison
Jay Terzis

Gloria Robertson

Lynn Nathanson

Buddy Trips
& Whack-A Whiting

Joe Perino

Pork Cook off Picnic
Jerry Defibaugh

Baiting Beauties
Cathy Ericson

Redfish Team Event
Ed Vesley

Triple Crown & Assistant Secretary
Dave Schott

Marco Sportfishing Club Inc is a 501(c)7 non-profit organization.  P.O. Box 2104, Marco Island, FL 34146

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